A SHADE ABOVE Solar Roller Shades, the perfect treatment for sun facing windows with up to 99% protection from heat and UV Rays while still maintaining unobstructed views. Call today for your complimentary at home consultation: (808) 271-7886 Sarah Paillusseau Owner/Designer sarah@ashadeabovehawaii.com Visit our website www.ashadeabovehawaii.com Follow us on Instagram #ashadeabovehi A SHADE ABOVE Solar Roller Shades , the perfect treatment for sun facing windows with up to 99 % protection from heat and UV Rays while still maintaining unobstructed views . Call today for your complimentary at home consultation : ( 808 ) 271-7886 Sarah Paillusseau Owner / Designer sarah@ashadeabovehawaii.com Visit our website www.ashadeabovehawaii.com Follow us on Instagram #ashadeabovehi