Living With Chronic Pain? Reduce Muscle, Joint & Nerve Pain Improve Circulation, Enhance Lymph Flow Arthritis/OA/RA Brain Fog Bursitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Circulatory Issues Edema/Swelling Fatigue Fibromyalgia Headaches Joint Pain Lymphatic Issues Muscle Strains Nerve Pain/Numbness/ Tingling Plantar Fasciitis Range-of-Motion Sciatica Slow Healing Wounds Tremors Other Conditions FREE ONE-HOUR TRIAL* *New Clients Only - Expires 9/23/24 Hawaii's Best Alternative Health & Wellness Clinic Serving Hawaii Since 2016 I had sciatica for many years. The Body Activator machine's cyclic mechanical motion felt WHOLE BODY HEALTH like a deep penetrating relaxing sonix therapy hawaii massage into my lower body and glutes. It was unlike any other therapy I have tried. Two months later, my sciatica has NOT returned! - Ken, Honolulu ST. FRANCIS HEALTHCARE LILIHA CAMPUS 808.585.6993 Living With Chronic Pain ? Reduce Muscle , Joint & Nerve Pain Improve Circulation , Enhance Lymph Flow Arthritis / OA / RA Brain Fog Bursitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Circulatory Issues Edema / Swelling Fatigue Fibromyalgia Headaches Joint Pain Lymphatic Issues Muscle Strains Nerve Pain / Numbness / Tingling Plantar Fasciitis Range - of - Motion Sciatica Slow Healing Wounds Tremors Other Conditions FREE ONE - HOUR TRIAL * * New Clients Only - Expires 9/23/24 Hawaii's Best Alternative Health & Wellness Clinic Serving Hawaii Since 2016 I had sciatica for many years . The Body Activator machine's cyclic mechanical motion felt WHOLE BODY HEALTH like a deep penetrating relaxing sonix therapy hawaii massage into my lower body and glutes . It was unlike any other therapy I have tried . Two months later , my sciatica has NOT returned ! - Ken , Honolulu ST . FRANCIS HEALTHCARE LILIHA CAMPUS 808.585.6993