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  • Published Date

    July 2, 2021
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SPETLAND & HAWAII FEED ESCENCE with LVE Most shoo lack he Mtudent hertore ki ow OPEN FRI-SUN OAM- 4 CLOSED: MON-THURS OPEN DAILY 10AM - GPM 4400 KALANIANAOLE HWY. Maka of t 94-486 Ukee Street o yew e peta tat bh wn eetoand Kahaa Ma PH. 734-7387 PH. 671-9555 Go to HAWAIIFEED.BIZ for EXPANDED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY & PRICING PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TAKING BACK RETURNS AT THIS TIME PETLAND AND HAWAI FEED eterint pu not od tens i ot poy Pese c MAY RISK DISEASE TRANSMISSION SO WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING RETURNS. PETLAND hmoe h ta tobe ot tetand mediotion sampa he an todety ndn fe gt on baplen teshtptgdr hyoporitegerety mtarn tewau n eg ane aing sar newP ptante tedo acenent of tund anta uret ca samaly wt NC eto te of anee on ta nay a tiet pteed undentandig urg teuncrtai me ayou fo yor urchae Sentry Petrodex Natural Toothpaste Kit for Dogs Peaut eoret Faly ack r Pacifica No-Ant Dish Hartz Lickable Cat Treats er Mout to keng ts ut of faot Nen d uton -Soect hom 14 unce furu and $8 whetn S. Ccken and u S Dicken and Tuna Senior Se, furu and Oicken Bequ Tuaand Wgetaton ind Tuna and Chicken Sen nu tr FREE TU OF METS TOOTASTE GVEN $12 2 for $3 w PURCNASE Hartz Bonanza Rabbit Food Dogit Fresh and Clear Drinking Fountain $40 Pacifica Cat Treats Sect ton 2nor Cicke $7 Capacity nd Fah Laye. Saion C Sadch Chcken Kohaku Wag Swordtalls $2 Two Door Dog Crates -Sted wire with platic tay emore sm Hawaiteed -Eat Han n Boodwm $2 M-Pets "Armana" LItter Tray - dinchen Bac $22 40 120 Dwarf Gouramis Fe y Moe Pacu han Ma -Eat Hka eta fod 24 inch $12 M-Pets "Blum" Pacifica Wire Playpen $2 Cat Scratching Post ct hon Gy a ack w rn $25 Penes 1nches Tal and 24 inches Wd $30 Tetras -Select tom ed arton Lemen Sepa le Eat a Mo eew Iris 3-Tier Wire Cat Cage Pet Carriers Sttom 2 Sios of PLine $25 $2 $160 18 h Artine Cr $30 Shubunkin Goldfish -Best 21etete inch in Ae oproed Carer S50 K&H Coolin' Bowl Fed Hikan Sa -Foeo te Konp ater Cool $15 $20 Male Siamese Fighting Fish Pacifica Dog Treats -Seect hom 1a fagn of Chicken Chs. Samon Sacken Feh Sin and Set Potte, er Green treath Bonen, or 100 Pa Eat Lane o Hkarita faod unce Marchioro Dinette with Dishes Snch katde Stos Select Male Guppies Eat Hka Fancy s $2 $25 $11 Monqute La Zodiac Flea and Tick Fogger $13 Buy 2 Get 1. FREE DINGO DOG TREATS FREE 12-INCH OAMA NET AND FLOATER with Every Purchase Over $100 -Mx and Mat, Lest Expene ht Fre M-Pets "Doras" Cat Doors -Brown hte Te Dernt Sam M-Pets Soft Dog Muzzle $5 $6 Kops Dama Alvem Fahing -Designed n Made Medum Catego Flea and Tick Drops Designet foecaly Bulk Fish Foods Sald by the unce ta Cats ch $45 M-Pets Grooming Tools -Seect tom Oval Sicker Brah, Dematng to Petmate Curvations Pin Bran, Large Dog Nal Tme, utber $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 Tea ind f Vaty end Choose to Grng M. S $50 Tatra Gah * Tetun Petmate Fresh Flow M-Pets LED Dog Collar Necharg Patice Pand. Gravity Feeder Medum $8 $12 Rept Betsy Farms Grillers Dog Treats aen $10 Petmate Barnhome 3 Tetra Foods Repte b0 Pond Vty $80 2 22 Specials good while supplies last and subject to availabity. Limit 3 units per customer. No rainchecks. Sale ends 7/15/2021. SPETLAND & HAWAII FEED ESCENCE with LVE Most shoo lack he Mtudent hertore ki ow OPEN FRI-SUN OAM- 4 CLOSED: MON-THURS OPEN DAILY 10AM - GPM 4400 KALANIANAOLE HWY. Maka of t 94-486 Ukee Street o yew e peta tat bh wn eetoand Kahaa Ma PH. 734-7387 PH. 671-9555 Go to HAWAIIFEED.BIZ for EXPANDED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY & PRICING PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TAKING BACK RETURNS AT THIS TIME PETLAND AND HAWAI FEED eterint pu not od tens i ot poy Pese c MAY RISK DISEASE TRANSMISSION SO WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING RETURNS. PETLAND hmoe h ta tobe ot tetand mediotion sampa he an todety ndn fe gt on baplen teshtptgdr hyoporitegerety mtarn tewau n eg ane aing sar newP ptante tedo acenent of tund anta uret ca samaly wt NC eto te of anee on ta nay a tiet pteed undentandig urg teuncrtai me ayou fo yor urchae Sentry Petrodex Natural Toothpaste Kit for Dogs Peaut eoret Faly ack r Pacifica No-Ant Dish Hartz Lickable Cat Treats er Mout to keng ts ut of faot Nen d uton -Soect hom 14 unce furu and $8 whetn S. Ccken and u S Dicken and Tuna Senior Se, furu and Oicken Bequ Tuaand Wgetaton ind Tuna and Chicken Sen nu tr FREE TU OF METS TOOTASTE GVEN $12 2 for $3 w PURCNASE Hartz Bonanza Rabbit Food Dogit Fresh and Clear Drinking Fountain $40 Pacifica Cat Treats Sect ton 2nor Cicke $7 Capacity nd Fah Laye. Saion C Sadch Chcken Kohaku Wag Swordtalls $2 Two Door Dog Crates -Sted wire with platic tay emore sm Hawaiteed -Eat Han n Boodwm $2 M-Pets "Armana" LItter Tray - dinchen Bac $22 40 120 Dwarf Gouramis Fe y Moe Pacu han Ma -Eat Hka eta fod 24 inch $12 M-Pets "Blum" Pacifica Wire Playpen $2 Cat Scratching Post ct hon Gy a ack w rn $25 Penes 1nches Tal and 24 inches Wd $30 Tetras -Select tom ed arton Lemen Sepa le Eat a Mo eew Iris 3-Tier Wire Cat Cage Pet Carriers Sttom 2 Sios of PLine $25 $2 $160 18 h Artine Cr $30 Shubunkin Goldfish -Best 21etete inch in Ae oproed Carer S50 K&H Coolin' Bowl Fed Hikan Sa -Foeo te Konp ater Cool $15 $20 Male Siamese Fighting Fish Pacifica Dog Treats -Seect hom 1a fagn of Chicken Chs. Samon Sacken Feh Sin and Set Potte, er Green treath Bonen, or 100 Pa Eat Lane o Hkarita faod unce Marchioro Dinette with Dishes Snch katde Stos Select Male Guppies Eat Hka Fancy s $2 $25 $11 Monqute La Zodiac Flea and Tick Fogger $13 Buy 2 Get 1. FREE DINGO DOG TREATS FREE 12-INCH OAMA NET AND FLOATER with Every Purchase Over $100 -Mx and Mat, Lest Expene ht Fre M-Pets "Doras" Cat Doors -Brown hte Te Dernt Sam M-Pets Soft Dog Muzzle $5 $6 Kops Dama Alvem Fahing -Designed n Made Medum Catego Flea and Tick Drops Designet foecaly Bulk Fish Foods Sald by the unce ta Cats ch $45 M-Pets Grooming Tools -Seect tom Oval Sicker Brah, Dematng to Petmate Curvations Pin Bran, Large Dog Nal Tme, utber $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 Tea ind f Vaty end Choose to Grng M. S $50 Tatra Gah * Tetun Petmate Fresh Flow M-Pets LED Dog Collar Necharg Patice Pand. Gravity Feeder Medum $8 $12 Rept Betsy Farms Grillers Dog Treats aen $10 Petmate Barnhome 3 Tetra Foods Repte b0 Pond Vty $80 2 22 Specials good while supplies last and subject to availabity. Limit 3 units per customer. No rainchecks. Sale ends 7/15/2021.