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    October 30, 2024
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seeking Architectural De Specialed in His signer Torical Preservation meet ng the education and ex perience requirements the US Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for the Historical Architect a offices in Honolulu, H Min requires Bachelor's Master of Science in His onic Presenation: at leas 12 months relevant pe rience practicing architec e. Must also have pro ency in Reut and/or AutoCAD: MS Office Bluebeam and/or Adobe Acrobat Recap: Agisoft. If interested, sub it cover letter, resume and supporting portfolio info and/or writing sampl tate Historical Architec and con or mail to Mason Ar chant Street, Ste 501 Honolulu, HI 96813 seeking Architectural De Specialed in His signer Torical Preservation meet ng the education and ex perience requirements the US Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for the Historical Architect a offices in Honolulu , H Min requires Bachelor's Master of Science in His onic Presenation : at leas 12 months relevant pe rience practicing architec e . Must also have pro ency in Reut and / or AutoCAD : MS Office Bluebeam and / or Adobe Acrobat Recap : Agisoft . If interested , sub it cover letter , resume and supporting portfolio info and / or writing sampl tate Historical Architec and con or mail to Mason Ar chant Street , Ste 501 Honolulu , HI 96813