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  • Published Date

    March 27, 2020
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Emergency Assistance Program FOR HAWAII STATE FCU MEMBERS With the recent impacts of COVID-19, we understand your financial concerns. You may be wondering what relief is available. We are here to help. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE LOAN* Get access to money with a low rate personal loan with no prepayment penalty for qualifying members. DEFERRAL OF LOAN PAYMENTS** Get relief from making scheduled monthly payments, Hawaii State FCU loan payments may be deferred for one to three months for qualifying members. Available on consumer loans and mortgages. PENALTY FREE TERM SHARE WITHDRAWALS*** Make withdrawals from your term share after the first 6 days of the account term without an early withdrawal penalty. Let us know how we can help. Call (808) 587-2700 or visit www.HawaiiStateFCU.com/assistance for more details. HAWAII STATE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION always right by you Program sbject to change without prior notice. Certain tema and Speak to a Howai State FOU representative at B0 S87-2700 o at condtions pply any branch for more information "The Energency Asitance Laen teatures O% interest rate and no "Speak l a Hawai Sute FOU epresertative at o s87-2700 Nr payments for he fet 3 montha with a tubtequent interst tate ot mort information. 000 for the remaining 3 ynars The biended APR ever the entr 39-month term of the loan is 64S weharawals wi reduce eamings on he account. Peralty tee withdrawals do not apply to RA Tern Shares. Mnimum witdrawal A loan ot S1.000 wi have 36 payments of S31.34 per mont, and is S500. your account tats below the St.000 ninimum balance tal interest paid of $1211. Thie Emergency Aasistance Loan i muirement he account must be dosed. Soeak to a ei State FO avalatle to aftected ewai midents who teave been member as ot mpresentutive at o ser-2700 for more information 1201/2019. Menbers mat meet minimum qualiications established for his special program. This program and rates are eftective as of 3232000 and are subject to change at any tine without prior notice Available to Hawail residents only Federally insured by NCUA Emergency Assistance Program FOR HAWAII STATE FCU MEMBERS With the recent impacts of COVID-19, we understand your financial concerns. You may be wondering what relief is available. We are here to help. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE LOAN* Get access to money with a low rate personal loan with no prepayment penalty for qualifying members. DEFERRAL OF LOAN PAYMENTS** Get relief from making scheduled monthly payments, Hawaii State FCU loan payments may be deferred for one to three months for qualifying members. Available on consumer loans and mortgages. PENALTY FREE TERM SHARE WITHDRAWALS*** Make withdrawals from your term share after the first 6 days of the account term without an early withdrawal penalty. Let us know how we can help. Call (808) 587-2700 or visit www.HawaiiStateFCU.com/assistance for more details. HAWAII STATE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION always right by you Program sbject to change without prior notice. Certain tema and Speak to a Howai State FOU representative at B0 S87-2700 o at condtions pply any branch for more information "The Energency Asitance Laen teatures O% interest rate and no "Speak l a Hawai Sute FOU epresertative at o s87-2700 Nr payments for he fet 3 montha with a tubtequent interst tate ot mort information. 000 for the remaining 3 ynars The biended APR ever the entr 39-month term of the loan is 64S weharawals wi reduce eamings on he account. Peralty tee withdrawals do not apply to RA Tern Shares. Mnimum witdrawal A loan ot S1.000 wi have 36 payments of S31.34 per mont, and is S500. your account tats below the St.000 ninimum balance tal interest paid of $1211. Thie Emergency Aasistance Loan i muirement he account must be dosed. Soeak to a ei State FO avalatle to aftected ewai midents who teave been member as ot mpresentutive at o ser-2700 for more information 1201/2019. Menbers mat meet minimum qualiications established for his special program. This program and rates are eftective as of 3232000 and are subject to change at any tine without prior notice Available to Hawail residents only Federally insured by NCUA