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    June 27, 2021
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CONGRATULATIONS TO OUTSTANDING 2021 FARRINGTON GRADUATES! FACF AWARDS 46 SCHOLARSHIPS Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation (FACF) was founded in 1976 by a group of Farrington lligh School graduates that wanted to determine the best way to fulhll the school monto of "Enter to Lean, Go Forth to Serve." Forty five (45) ycars later, and as a non-profit 301fcM3) corporation, FACF membership now include Farrington graduates, Farington Iligh School educators, comunity leaders, surrounding businesses and individuals that believe in and ane Iving the motto of serving Farrington Iligh School. You can make a difference in the lives of Kalihis youth and the quality of our future leaders. Please consider joining Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation in supporting the vision of providing for the Farringon High School studems and community Please visit www.gogovs.com for more information. Over the years, FACF has been honored to provide scholarships to the graduating class of Farringion High School as the students pursue higher education gouls. The funding of the scholarships originates from various sources including very generous and supportive donses. Others are from our FACF membership that provides a steady stream of funding to FACF This page represents our 2021 FACF scholarship recipients With the generosity of our membership. Farington Alumni and Community Foundation continue to fulil the dream of our founders to support students in their pursuit of higher education. Heather Acierte Juntus-Jh Acoba Ricca Acosta AO Layla Cvitopher Acara Kapila Cnty College H Poe Univesity Rwal Pace Lave Penina Bane Kayla-fait Chander Baltaza Nicole Kate Genicha Barroga So Colegr ef tversity af , Mane Nnal Man Chiesity Joanah Le A Barut Lorenbhel Amber Cervantes Maynhel Catiaya Reece ter Cargan Ca verity af Conity Colege Lomea Jay Corotan essie Faye Corotan Cyrielen Digdagan Maria Angela De Peral Dau Universily of Nva a Wegas Pae University Na Man Lniversity of Hwa ana Cassandra De Peralta han Deta Nosle Der Christan Flores er Cvity at Mwa, Man Pacitie University wa Mana H Man Myles Anne Landon Funa Bruce Raman Jackry Jatery Gante Enbry Ride Chiveity af Hewa Dersy loversity of Haa, ana Cheyenne Lewis Louise Julien Lorenao Dristian Maran Anciane Care Miguel Dominie Molna nversity of Hrea, Mana Uviery a Manor Oery wal, Mano Lversity of al, anna HAan Molitau Cherine Narto hian Kyle Narareie Diane Palting Fe Ane Primero Ohiveity af Unenity of Vaey fe Juwal Poe Communty Colege vety Jez Valencia Cvistine Jean Quinte Kanaehu Sanchea Lemin Chelsea Tajan Uneityof Ht, Man vtyat a, Mana versity Faringlon Alumni nd Cemmity Foundation, a 30lei3 Organition PO. Bas 4261 Hen. HI 96S124261 | Phone (808) 305-S19 Inggs.com "Enter Len, Go Ferth e See." CONGRATULATIONS TO OUTSTANDING 2021 FARRINGTON GRADUATES! FACF AWARDS 46 SCHOLARSHIPS Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation (FACF) was founded in 1976 by a group of Farrington lligh School graduates that wanted to determine the best way to fulhll the school monto of "Enter to Lean, Go Forth to Serve." Forty five (45) ycars later, and as a non-profit 301fcM3) corporation, FACF membership now include Farrington graduates, Farington Iligh School educators, comunity leaders, surrounding businesses and individuals that believe in and ane Iving the motto of serving Farrington Iligh School. You can make a difference in the lives of Kalihis youth and the quality of our future leaders. Please consider joining Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation in supporting the vision of providing for the Farringon High School studems and community Please visit www.gogovs.com for more information. Over the years, FACF has been honored to provide scholarships to the graduating class of Farringion High School as the students pursue higher education gouls. The funding of the scholarships originates from various sources including very generous and supportive donses. Others are from our FACF membership that provides a steady stream of funding to FACF This page represents our 2021 FACF scholarship recipients With the generosity of our membership. Farington Alumni and Community Foundation continue to fulil the dream of our founders to support students in their pursuit of higher education. Heather Acierte Juntus-Jh Acoba Ricca Acosta AO Layla Cvitopher Acara Kapila Cnty College H Poe Univesity Rwal Pace Lave Penina Bane Kayla-fait Chander Baltaza Nicole Kate Genicha Barroga So Colegr ef tversity af , Mane Nnal Man Chiesity Joanah Le A Barut Lorenbhel Amber Cervantes Maynhel Catiaya Reece ter Cargan Ca verity af Conity Colege Lomea Jay Corotan essie Faye Corotan Cyrielen Digdagan Maria Angela De Peral Dau Universily of Nva a Wegas Pae University Na Man Lniversity of Hwa ana Cassandra De Peralta han Deta Nosle Der Christan Flores er Cvity at Mwa, Man Pacitie University wa Mana H Man Myles Anne Landon Funa Bruce Raman Jackry Jatery Gante Enbry Ride Chiveity af Hewa Dersy loversity of Haa, ana Cheyenne Lewis Louise Julien Lorenao Dristian Maran Anciane Care Miguel Dominie Molna nversity of Hrea, Mana Uviery a Manor Oery wal, Mano Lversity of al, anna HAan Molitau Cherine Narto hian Kyle Narareie Diane Palting Fe Ane Primero Ohiveity af Unenity of Vaey fe Juwal Poe Communty Colege vety Jez Valencia Cvistine Jean Quinte Kanaehu Sanchea Lemin Chelsea Tajan Uneityof Ht, Man vtyat a, Mana versity Faringlon Alumni nd Cemmity Foundation, a 30lei3 Organition PO. Bas 4261 Hen. HI 96S124261 | Phone (808) 305-S19 Inggs.com "Enter Len, Go Ferth e See."