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  • Published Date

    June 28, 2020
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CONGRATULATIONS TO OUTSTANDING 2020 FARRINGTON GRADUATES! FACF AWARDS 39 SCHOLARSHIPS Farrington Alumni and Community Foundaticn (FACF) was founded in 1976 by a group olf Farrington High School graduates that wanted to devermine the best way to full the school motto of "Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve." Forty four (44) years later, and as a non-peoka 501 eM3) corporation, FACF membership now include Farrington gradates, Farringon High School educators, community leaders, sumounding businesses and individuals that believe in and are living the mono of serving Farrington Iligh School. You can make a difference in the lives of Kalihis youth and the qualiny of our future leaders. Please consider joining Farringion Alumni and Community Foundation in supporting the vision of providing for the Farringson High School students and community Please visit www.gogovs.com for more information. Over the years, FACF has been honored to provide scholarships to the graduating class of Farrington High School as the students pursuc higher education goals. The funding of the scholarships originates from various sources inchading very generous represents our 2020 FACF scholarship recipients With the generosity of our membership. Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation continue to fulfill the dream of our founders to support students in their pursuit of higher education. Queena Jane Abarcar Jance Apy n atiey Hunter Antone Atag Bala Unversity of rvade L ga Pacifie veity Huwail P versity Colge Zarina Legh Nicole Baryg John Richard Hazelle Bapsta Hondhel alesteros Cataya Monol Communty College Kpla munily Callege e latheran Uversity University of HaMana Cak Junior Caby Nan Came Castro Bernadete Chester Ma Colobong Oery a HalMa Hono Cmty Colege ohn hililp Frenz Jamaica Dullg Onight ety Comales Digdagan versity of testr Mayle Dumisian Alen y Ferandez Adonis Re Fiesta Nta Le Ganac Nowal Paie ersty at Nade la Kapa tya Mai al Man Rycial Jake Lawrene Gera Guttap Uesty ot Hwal al Mane Tammy Lam Garcia Bautista Chivsity Asan Sahmo ity hovide Brandson Diane Loreizo Chaae hvenity Shane-Devon Angel Manuel Glen Miguel Matumoto fndry de Aeranadal chiversity esot Campu Prinotn Unversty University of Hala Man Payton Okada Lynete Pascua Benediet Danie Rames Aleen Salap Haal Pe University Caltora Sate versity San arco Kapiola Kplan Colege Jared Rhey Sa Glovanva Man Taong Kpilan Angelica Nicolle Voria Zayne Young Aanolu Camty Hano Comnty Famringun Alamni nd Community Foundation, a 30liel3 Organiatien| PO. Ben 4261 + Hen. HI 96812-4161 ( Phone (808) 305-31 W9 pgencom "Eaer Len, Go Ferd e Sene. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUTSTANDING 2020 FARRINGTON GRADUATES! FACF AWARDS 39 SCHOLARSHIPS Farrington Alumni and Community Foundaticn (FACF) was founded in 1976 by a group olf Farrington High School graduates that wanted to devermine the best way to full the school motto of "Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve." Forty four (44) years later, and as a non-peoka 501 eM3) corporation, FACF membership now include Farrington gradates, Farringon High School educators, community leaders, sumounding businesses and individuals that believe in and are living the mono of serving Farrington Iligh School. You can make a difference in the lives of Kalihis youth and the qualiny of our future leaders. Please consider joining Farringion Alumni and Community Foundation in supporting the vision of providing for the Farringson High School students and community Please visit www.gogovs.com for more information. Over the years, FACF has been honored to provide scholarships to the graduating class of Farrington High School as the students pursuc higher education goals. The funding of the scholarships originates from various sources inchading very generous represents our 2020 FACF scholarship recipients With the generosity of our membership. Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation continue to fulfill the dream of our founders to support students in their pursuit of higher education. Queena Jane Abarcar Jance Apy n atiey Hunter Antone Atag Bala Unversity of rvade L ga Pacifie veity Huwail P versity Colge Zarina Legh Nicole Baryg John Richard Hazelle Bapsta Hondhel alesteros Cataya Monol Communty College Kpla munily Callege e latheran Uversity University of HaMana Cak Junior Caby Nan Came Castro Bernadete Chester Ma Colobong Oery a HalMa Hono Cmty Colege ohn hililp Frenz Jamaica Dullg Onight ety Comales Digdagan versity of testr Mayle Dumisian Alen y Ferandez Adonis Re Fiesta Nta Le Ganac Nowal Paie ersty at Nade la Kapa tya Mai al Man Rycial Jake Lawrene Gera Guttap Uesty ot Hwal al Mane Tammy Lam Garcia Bautista Chivsity Asan Sahmo ity hovide Brandson Diane Loreizo Chaae hvenity Shane-Devon Angel Manuel Glen Miguel Matumoto fndry de Aeranadal chiversity esot Campu Prinotn Unversty University of Hala Man Payton Okada Lynete Pascua Benediet Danie Rames Aleen Salap Haal Pe University Caltora Sate versity San arco Kapiola Kplan Colege Jared Rhey Sa Glovanva Man Taong Kpilan Angelica Nicolle Voria Zayne Young Aanolu Camty Hano Comnty Famringun Alamni nd Community Foundation, a 30liel3 Organiatien| PO. Ben 4261 + Hen. HI 96812-4161 ( Phone (808) 305-31 W9 pgencom "Eaer Len, Go Ferd e Sene.