ASSETS SCHOOL ENROLL NOW! OFFERING ON-CAMPUS K-12 SUMMER PROGRAMS We affirm, celebrate and teach gifted students and students with language-based learning differences such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. JOIN US FOR K-6 Camp Invention - Recharge!® K-8 Ke Kula Pa'ani Summer Camp K-8 Academic Summer School and Academies High School Summer Sessions SUMMER SESSIONS START IN JUNE visit us at to learn more and apply online Contact us (808) 423-1356 ASSETS SCHOOL ENROLL NOW! OFFERING ON-CAMPUS K-12 SUMMER PROGRAMS We affirm, celebrate and teach gifted students and students with language-based learning differences such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. JOIN US FOR K-6 Camp Invention - Recharge!® K-8 Ke Kula Pa'ani Summer Camp K-8 Academic Summer School and Academies High School Summer Sessions SUMMER SESSIONS START IN JUNE visit us at to learn more and apply online Contact us (808) 423-1356