NEW YEAR .Same Great Deals! Aloha Stadium SWAP MEET & MARKETPLACE CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR - FEB. 12TH ung a traditional Lion Dance while Hei Fat Choy! Join us for supporting hundreds of local vendors starting at 9am in section 8D. Visit our website below for details. ALOHASTADIUM.HAWAII.GOV Marketplace Hours: Wed, Sat, Sun: 8am - 3pm Swap Meet Hours: Wed, Sat: 8am - 3pm Sun: 6:30am - 3pm NEW YEAR .Same Great Deals! Aloha Stadium SWAP MEET & MARKETPLACE CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR - FEB. 12TH ung a traditional Lion Dance while Hei Fat Choy! Join us for supporting hundreds of local vendors starting at 9am in section 8D. Visit our website below for details. ALOHASTADIUM.HAWAII.GOV Marketplace Hours: Wed, Sat, Sun: 8am - 3pm Swap Meet Hours: Wed, Sat: 8am - 3pm Sun: 6:30am - 3pm