
After living on two continents and traveling the world, playing professional baseball, and searching for the ideal business that combines flexibility and freedom, integrity, and opportunity, Chris Cannon found his home base, happiness, and success in Network Marketing Industry. As a top producer, Chris has been helping his team to reach their goals and create many success stories within his company. His passion is to help people and change their lives. Chris lives in Hawaii with his family where he enjoys his “dream job – a company that offers unlimited growth, the freedom to spend time with family.” Born in Sarasota, Florida, Chris spent almost half of his life in Japan, cultivating a love for adventure and baseball, before finding network marketing as well as independence, flexibility, and professional success in the Network Marketing industry. After meeting with the owner and team leaders of the company, Chris shared the opportunity with his family and friends, who started to experience success within a week: “That’s when I knew this was something special. Since that time, I have literally seen people’s wealth and confidence changed dramatically for the better. And as we all know, it doesn’t matter how much money you have, where you live, or what you do if you're not helping other people. I truly believe impacting other people's lives is one of the keys to your own happiness”. “As committed as I am to my family, I also consider the company a family – both the organization and my team,” he says. “The company gave my family the opportunity to have it all and I wouldn’t change a thing.” I am deeply thankful and blessed to have this opportunity and will continue to share with others. Don't give up on your DREAMS!

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