HALE HAU'OLI HAWAI'I FREE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP "DEMENTIA IN THE FAMILY. CARE OPTIONS AND RESOURCES" A five-part series of one-hour presentations: 9:00am - 10:00am Dr. Poki'i Balaz, "Dementia Basics" JULY 18 JULY 25 Dr. Poki'i Balaz, "It's All About You, The Caregiver" AUGUST 1 Rick Tabor, "Caring for the Caregiver: Mindfulness" AUGUST 8 Gary Powell, "Deciding for One Who Cannot" AUGUST 15 Rulon &Adamshick, Elder Law Attorneys, "Planning for the Next Chapter: Incapacity and Dementia" This workshop is made possible with generous support from the City and County of Honolulu, the May Templeton Hopper Fund and the Theordor A. Vierra Fund from the Hawai'i Community Foundation, and AARP AARP bilities Real Hawaii To register, go to www.halehauolihawaii.org, and click on events, or call 808-798-8706. Hale Hau'oli Hawai'i Suite 207 98-1247 Kaahumanu Street Aiea, HI 96701 HALE HAU'OLI HAWAI'I FREE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP "DEMENTIA IN THE FAMILY. CARE OPTIONS AND RESOURCES" A five-part series of one-hour presentations: 9:00am - 10:00am Dr. Poki'i Balaz, "Dementia Basics" JULY 18 JULY 25 Dr. Poki'i Balaz, "It's All About You, The Caregiver" AUGUST 1 Rick Tabor, "Caring for the Caregiver: Mindfulness" AUGUST 8 Gary Powell, "Deciding for One Who Cannot" AUGUST 15 Rulon &Adamshick, Elder Law Attorneys, "Planning for the Next Chapter: Incapacity and Dementia" This workshop is made possible with generous support from the City and County of Honolulu, the May Templeton Hopper Fund and the Theordor A. Vierra Fund from the Hawai'i Community Foundation, and AARP AARP bilities Real Hawaii To register, go to www.halehauolihawaii.org, and click on events, or call 808-798-8706. Hale Hau'oli Hawai'i Suite 207 98-1247 Kaahumanu Street Aiea, HI 96701